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Eftirfarandi er nišurlag fréttar Daily Telegraph sem vķsaši til ķ gęr undir fyrirsögninni:   Fjallaš um reiši ķslendinga...

"The No camp is circulating an internal memo from Sweden's Riksbank that pins much of the responsibility for the IceSave debacle on Britain and the EU.

It said "absurd" EU rules - which cover Iceland through the EEA - have created a regulatory dog's dinner. "While Icelandic politicians and regulators are responsible for allowing highly leveraged expansion, they are not the only ones to blame," it said.

The EU directive was muddled, stipulating only that states must set up a "guarantee scheme" for banks, not that they are liable for all losses. It was well-known that these schemes are often private foundations with tiny resources, yet the UK "hardly bothered" to inform savers of this fact. It let IceSave state on its website that savers enjoyed protection equal to the UK's own scheme.

"The conclusion is clear: the EU host countries (UK and Holland) are also to blame for Iceland's disaster. Consequently, it would be reasonable that they carry some of the burden. It takes two to tango," said the report acidly.

For Britain, an irksome precedent has been set. Allies can expect no quarter if they spiral into a deep financial crisis. This could come back to haunt."



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