Land hinna blindu - bśum viš žar?

Fyrir meira en hundraš įrum skrifaši H.G.Wells skįldsöguna  "The Country of the Blind".  Hvaš vakti fyrir höfundinum mį eflaust deila um, en ekki er verri söguskżring en hver önnur aš hann hafi viljaš vara menn viš aš sżna hroka žar sem aušmżkt hefši  įtt betur viš:

Every now and then Nunez laughed, sometimes with amusement and sometimes with indignation. "Unformed mind!" he said. "Got no senses yet!" They little know they“ve been insulting their heaven-sent king and master.  I see I must bring them to reason.  Let me think -let me think".    
He was still thinking when the sun set.

He heard a voice calling to him from out of the village.
He stepped back into the pathway. "Here I am," he said.
"Why did you not come when I called you?" said the blind man.  "Must you be led like a child?  Cannot you hear the path, as you walk?"
Nunez laughed.  "I can see it", he said.
"There is no such word as see" said the blind man, after a pause.  ""Cease this folly, and follow the sound of my feet."
Nunez followed, a little annoyed.    "My time will come", he said.

Four days passed, and the fifth found the King of the Blind still incognito, as a clumsy and useless stranger among his subjects.




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